The members of our board of directors have the vision to manage processes, develop our employees and determine strategies while observing the dynamics of the economy. Our board of directors govern the company with an approach that begins the development of the company with themselves, that focuses on a common ideal and takes on risks.

The core of our success story is our setting out with employees who love their company. Our labors were rewarded by success.

If the future is on our side and our company is to rise to an enlightened and brilliant future, we will again achieve this with our employees.

Abdullah Yılmaz
Chairman of the Board of Directors, Founding Partner

We come from a difficult and laborious road and we know that the road before us is not easy either. There is no question of an easy win in a market where global and domestic competition is at an advanced level. Sufficing with personal success and a selfish arrogant management approach brings companies to an end. We must be productive and not avoid competition. The way to success is to remain dynamic, to be innovative and to work very hard.

Mehmet Yılmaz
Board of Directors Member, Founding Partner